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Support Our School

There are many ways to support our school, whether through volunteering at school events, during the school day, or supporting our fundraisers throughout the year. Listed below are other ways that you can support our school monetarily. We also ask you to support us through your prayers and special intentions.  

Strudel Bake

The Sacred Heart Strudel Bake will be held on Saturday October 14th at the Sacred Heart Family Center/Cafeteria with pick-up from 10am to 3pm.  Strudels will be selling for $18.00 unbaked and $22.00 baked.  Please place orders before October 2nd to guarantee fulfillment.  You may place your order or register your donations online at:      If you are not ordering or donating items, you can still donate your time.  A lot of workers are needed to have a successful event.  Please use our online signup at:                                                                                                                                                                                             Alternate contacts for ordering are:            * email to 
* Order by phone - call Annette Henke 361-772-0929 or Barbara Grahmann 361-798-0659
Thanks for your support!       Strudel Bake Committee

Indian Open Golf Classic  

This Teacher Appreciation Event is held on the Saturday of Labor Day Week-end. Registration forms will be in the August newsletter or call the school for information.

Box Tops for Education 

Box tops for Education is a  program that provides schools opportunities to earn cash. Download the Box Tops app, shop as you normally would, then simply scan your store receipts to find participating products. The app will automatically credit your  Box Tops earnings to our school online.   Go to:

Thank you for all you do for our students and staff! We are blessed to have the support of the parents, alumni, local businesses, and the community.