Faith Formation
Faith Formation
Sacred Heart Catholic School has as its primary goal the continuous formation of the Christian person. Every day at Sacred Heart Catholic School begins with a school-wide prayer. Beginning in the elementary grades, students are involved in the weekly school masses, Holy Days of Obligation, and other religious ceremonies. During the month of October, students pray portions of the rosary in each class. There is a Faith Formation column in the monthly school newsletter.
This Is Our Faith Early Childhood Program is used for PreK-3 and PreK–4. Blest Are We religion textbooks are used for grades K-8 as well as the Benziger Family Life Series Guidance Program, which focuses on personal growth and self-understanding, Catholic Christian sexuality, and social living. Students in grades 5 through 12 attend retreats to help them go deeper into their faith.
Christian formation continues throughout high school Theology courses, guided by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops curriculum framework. Theology I (Freshmen) surveys Sacred Scriptures: the revelation of God to the Jewish people; Covenant; Tradition; Prophets; Wisdom; Incarnation; Gospels; Resurrection; Salvation, Faith, and Mission.
Theology II (Sophomores) surveys Church History: the mission of St. Paul and early missionaries; the Council of Nicea, growth of the Catholic Church through the Middle Ages; the Reformation; Doctrine of Discovery; Catholicism and the Enlightenment; and Vatican I and Vatican II.
Theology III and IV (Juniors and Seniors) surveys the Sacraments (including preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation; Theology of the Body; Catholic Morality (including the Covenant, the Decalogue, the Beatitudes, Sermon on the Mount, God's Rule, the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy, the Seven Virtues and Vices); and Catholic Social Justice.