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Sacred Heart Alumni Association

The mission of the Sacred Heart Alumni Association(SHAA) is to form a partnership of former students in order to encourage continued relationships with the school, provide support for the school and its students through financial assistance for scholarships, and to encourage active participation in school functions. Members of the SHAA have a strong commitment to the future of Catholic education and Sacred Heart Catholic School and the values it instills in its students.

Alumni Newsletters

Planning a Class Reunion?   

If you would like help with planning your reunion, call David Smolik at (361) 798-4492.


  • President :Jim Bujnoch | Cell: (713) 899-0955;                  (361) 798-3721; (832) 242-7199
  • Vice-President: Charlie Neumeyer |                 (210) 410-4940        
  • Treasurer: Dennis Matula |                                       (361) 772-6172                                   
  • Database Administrator: Mary Hall |                                (210) 387-8468               
  • Secretary: Maureen Schott |                          (361) 798-2502
  • Executive Director: David Smolik |                      (361) 798-4492